Monday, June 17, 2013

Oxford and Lewis: Part 1

June 10, 2013: SO much to tell. It's amazing how much you can cram into one day! I am IN LOVE with Oxford England!!! The people are so nice and the city is so stunning! It is a strange mix of old, and I mean OLD architecture and functioning buildings, with trendy shops and boutiques. 

Nothing like Pizza Hut and the Opium Den! :-)
Just checking the time in town.
The roads are incredibly narrow and cobbled, and we just can't seem to get used to driving on the the other side of road. Joseph gets super freaked out when we ride the turn-abouts, but go the opposite way. For a split second he is sure that we are heading into a head-on collision to our death!

A friend joined us today and although we didn't get to Blenheim Palace we did get to the Oxford Castle.
Joseph, just lounging in front of Oxford Castle while we wait. No big deal.


  1. SO COOL! I'm so thrilled that you are there, but sad that you didn't go to Blenheim!

    1. We were so disappointed too! But decided it is now an excuse to go back! :-)

  2. looks like you're having a great adventure! keep up the posts. I can't wait to read/see more.

    1. Thanks Cheryl! I hope to make them more fun as I go! Still just trying to figure it out! :-)

  3. have two options here. either come back and take me with you to Europe. Or, come back and don't ever leave me again!!

    1. Ha! Says the man going to Russia without us! :-) Can't wait for YOUR adventure!!!
